Friday, September 12, 2014

Introductions and stuff...

  Hey Y'all! My name is Jerry and I am a Janitor. I live and work in East Tennessee at a big old stinking factory. I've been married for 30 years and my wife Vicki and I have two grown boys. They both are still living at home and sucking all the wi-fi out of the house.
   I've been thinking about doing a blog for a long time and just decided to get busy with it! I've tried to write a few times and have a computer full of half written books that will probably end up dying with the hard drive. I want to write a blog about my daily life at home and at work. I meet a lot of interesting people and I love to listen to their stories. I hope I will be able to record and share a few of those with you in the near future. Here's an example of just such a stories a guy named Johnny told us men at the lunch table today...
  "I had an old stubborn bull one time that was always getting out. I got a call one night from a neighbor that he was in his pasture after a hot heifer he had. I went and got him back home and put a ring in his nose. He hated that, boy! He shook his head and snored something awful! Then I took a rope and tied it to the ring and the other end to a mule. I figured that would take care of things. I got a call the next morning from the same man saying he had my bull and a mule in his pasture." I hear stuff like that everyday and if I don't tell you about it, how are you going to hear it?
  I don't just want to share funny stuff I also want to tell about some of the little things I've did over time to make my life better. I'm serious, I know you're thinking, oh no! I want to talk about how I got out of debt and how I turned my health around by changing my diet. Just stuff like that. You might find some of it inspiring and helpful. 

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